Red Village Church

Loving Madison

Our favorite interns are putting together a time for us to come together to prayerfully consider how we can love our city.  Here is a note from Ramel:

“We see in Scripture that Jesus sent out disciples 2 by 2 and Paul spent his apostleship on missionary journeys ministering with other brothers and sisters in Christ.  Let us joyfully put our minds together and figure out ways we can Love Madison by also co-laboring in proclaiming the Gospel.  All are invited, including kids.

The aim is RVC spreading out in various groups around this city to have an on-going Gospel presence.  This gathering will provide opportunity for you to share what you are currently doing, planning to do, and what you think can be done, so we can organize tangible ways we can co-labor for God’s glory in Madison.  Come ready to dialogue and organize.

Let’s not waste our Spring, Summer, and Fall.  Let our affections for God be what drives us.  Let’s Love Madison with the Gospel.”

Here are the details:

Meeting at Campus Community Church (816 Oakland Ave. Madison, WI 53711) on April 11th from 10 am to 12 pm

For more information contact:

Christmas Eve Service - 7pm on December 24, 2024