Red Village Church

RVC Easter Weekend

As the Apostle Paul came to the close of his letter to the church in Colossae he passed along this prayer request:  “Pray also for us, that God may open to us a door for the word, to declare the mystery of Christ, on account of which I am in prison— that I may make it clear, which is how I ought to speak. (Col 4:3-4).   In the purposes of God, it does seem that there are times when there is great opportunity as well as greater receptivity when sharing the good news of Jesus Christ.  In the next week as we approach Holy Week it seems like doors will be more open now than in other points of the year, which is why it is important to seize this time.

As a church we have three bigger events coming up that we hope that you take advantage of.  To start, on Good Friday we will be having a simple service where we will be reading through the Passion account from Luke and singing Christ-centered songs that communicate the Passion.  On Saturday we will be hosting a free Easter Egg Hunt for those in the community.  Finally, as we do every Sunday we will be celebrating the resurrection of our Lord.   As this door of opportunity approaches there are three things we are hoping you would commit to doing.

  1. Pray.   The prayer that Paul prayed in the text in Colossians is a great model for us.  Would you commit to taking time to pray that God would use RVC to boldly declare the mystery of Christ?  Would you pray that God would use RVC to bring others in the Madison area to faith in Jesus?
  2.   Give.  There are two specific ways we are hoping you could give.  First, would you give your time to join us for all three events?  Second, would you give financially by helping us purchase candy to stuff the Easter Eggs?  We have over 2000 eggs that need to be filled so we are hoping that everyone might be willing to purchase 1 bag of candy to be used at the Easter Egg Hunt. Please bring your bag of candy to church this Sunday!
  3. Invite.   Doors of opportunity do not always come our way so we need to be eager to capitalize on them when they are.  Would you commit to inviting those in your relational circle to join you at the RVC Easter weekend?   Last weekend Brandon gave us a goal of inviting at least 5 people.  Would you meet that goal?

As we consider what Jesus Christ did for us on Good Friday and on Easter Sunday we have so much hope.  We have much hope that as we commit to pray, he hears us and will answer our prayers.  We have much hope that as we give, we do not give in vain remembering that Jesus freely gave his entire self to us.  We have much hope that because Jesus Christ lives, as we invite people we trust that he is actively brining people to himself.

Christmas Eve Service - 7pm on December 24, 2024