Red Village Church

Gospel of John Resources

Listed below are the books I have been consulting for our sermon series on John!




Pillar NT Commentary John by D.A. Carson

For Everyone Commentary John part 1 by N.T. Wright

Living Insights New Testament Commentary by Chuch Swindoll

Spurgeon’s Verse Exposition of John by Charles Spurgeon

Tyndale New Testament Commentary of John by Colin Kruse

A Theology of John’s Gospel and Letters by Andreas J Kostenberger

NIV Zondervan Study Bible

ESV Study Bible

HCSB Study Bible

Reformation Study Bible

A Reader’s Greek New Testament

Expositors Bible Commentary John by Merrill C Tenney

MacArthur NT Commentary John by John MacArhtur

Calvin’s Commentary John by John Calvin

Commentary of the New Testament on the Old Testament by G.K. Beale and D.A. Carson