Red Village Church


Struggling for Joy

The more Christians I meet and interact with the more and more I see how many Christians truly struggle to find joy in their lives.  Even as I examine my own life, I feel that I have this constant battle going on to be joyful.  In fact it seems that I find myself just as […]

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Nothing but the Blood

One of my favorite hymns is the song “Nothing but the Blood”.  In the opening verse the hymn asks the question, “what can wash away my sin?”, then gives the answer “nothing but the blood of Jesus”.  As Christians all around the world take time to both reflect upon and celebrate Easter, I am saddened

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How Can I Be Faithful?

Perhaps one of the greatest goals in my life is to hear the words “well done, good and faithful servant” as I meet God in eternity.  This goal is my great motivation but also my great downfall.  While I do not doubt that God has saved me from my sin, it is amazingly hard for

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